
Spartan's Sparsh Initiative

Spartan has recently introduced Sparsh, an initiative where the company extends its gratitude towards various segments of the industry by conducting various events, thereby developing a close relationship with customers.Spartan Engineering Industries, a Mumbai-based construction equipment manufacturer offers a wide range of products including, bar bending machines, bar cutting machines, rack and pinion man and material hoists, multi-functional material hoists, rope suspended platforms and tower

Spartan?s Sparsh Initiative

Spartan has recently introduced Sparsh, an initiative where the company extends its gratitude towards various segments of the industry by conducting various events, thereby developing a close relationship with customers.Spartan Engineering Industries, a Mumbai-based construction equipment manufacturer offers a wide range of products including, bar bending machines, bar cutting machines, rack and pinion man and material hoists, multi-functional material hoists, rope suspended platforms and tower

REL to the Rescue

REL THP 45, the latest in ?S' valve technology concrete pump, achieved a singlepour vertical pumping to a record height of 91 m along with a total of 65 m horizontal at the Sobha City project in Thrissur, Kerala.